The epic Portuguese summer festival is coming, but it’s up to you to make your neighborhood’s soirée a total smash. Only the most delightful decorations, the most delectable delicacies, and the sweetest music will attract partygoers to your little corner of the world.
Arraial is a fast-paced tile-laying game in which the players take turns placing festival tiles in their neighborhoods, trying to make the shapes fit perfectly with the tiles they’ve already placed. The goal is to throw the best, most diverse party in order to attract the most visitors. The unique, rotating central board means that your position at the table has an impact on gameplay!
Game components:
* 1 Rulebook * 4 Couple Visitors * 56 Individual Visitors * 72 Color Pieces * 1 First-Player Token * 4 Street Boards * 4 Level Bars * 1 Phase Card * 1 Phase Marker * 24 Color Piece Cards * 1 Central Board
1-4 Players Age 8+ 15+ min (time per player)