
Until the full Moon 2

Until the full Moon 2
Who would have thought that there was anything worse than changing into a woman on nights of the full moon? Marlo certainly didn't. But now his engagement to David Vincent, the handsome skirt-chasing vampire, has been jeopardized by threats from the past. When one of David's former flames sends for him, begging for help, she neglects to include all the details. then a glass of "special" wine causes some childish complications. And to make matters worse, it seems that David's father has a few secrets of his own that may very well tear David and Marlo apart. Can Marlo and David overcome these pitfalls, or is their love doomed to fail?
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Keyforge (2)
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Kupit, mukit ja lasit (60)
Lautapelit-> (567)
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  Bandai Entertainment
  BeBeatifulManga (7)
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  CMX (43)
  Comics One (6)
  Dark Horse (30)
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  DMP (29)
  Dramaqueen (2)
  DrMasterBooks (7)
  Go!Comi (17)
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  Infinity Studios (5)
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  June Manga (79)
  Kitty Media (4)
  Kondasha Comics (9)
  MG Press (1)
  Minx (1)
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  Rainbow Buddy (1)
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  Square Enix
  Tokyopop (13)
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