
Madtown Hospital 2

Madtown Hospital 2
A fierce competition to win a town's respect ensues between Don Juan from the Madtown Hospital and Kyungwan Ryoo from the Cemetery Hospital. Amidst broken bones, a clumsy chase through the rooftops, and the mad rush of ambulances, will the patient even emerge alive? A smothering heat has fallen on Madtown Hospital, and none of the air-conditioners work! Watch as the members of Madtown's staff try everything in their power to make their patients comfortable. From dressing up like ghosts and scaring them to shivers, to dressing up in colorful swimsuits in the operating room--all in the name of their patients' mental health! The staff of Madtown Hospital is back and they are ready to take you on another gut-busting rollercoaster adventure through operating room antics and crazy medical fun! Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be one bumpy ride!
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